Sat 11 Jan
Let's play HIDE the SAUSAGE? I'll leave YOU breathless AN YOU will be compelled TO INDULGE.(video) - 45
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
;:*¨¨*: ♥ HeY GuYs DoNt MiSs Me HeRe FoR sHoRt TiMe ♥ ;:*¨¨*: - 25
(Toledo, toledo incall outcall sorrounding areas)
I'll cuRe YouR'e gLoOmy Day BLueS. aSk about SPeCiaLS :) - 26
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
** Just ** What ** You ** Have ** Been ** Waiting ** For - 26
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas (30miles))
{Long awaited Miss Jemma Danielle is here/NEW PIX! Early Bird Specials! - 27
hey guys im Rieghly***sexy new girl waiting 4 your call~specials available - 27
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
***Fellas***2 hot and ready ladies at your service.New In Town Dont Miss Out !!! - 25
(Toledo, Toledo and Surrounding Areas)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯)☆ ForGet The Rest •★• Get With The Best ☆(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) OUT CALL ONLY - 26
(Toledo, toledo and all surrounding areas)
*HOT* HOT * HOT* Passionate, Profesional Chrysta is here to play! In & out calls available! - 23
(Toledo, Toledo, and surrounding areas)
Classy's the best and pink ranks over the rest 419-932-0156 24/7 - 22
(Toledo, TOLEDO n ,surrounding areas)
!*!*LOOK HERE!*!*SeXxXy HoTt~N~sPiCy LaTiNa...100 dollar specials!!!*!*! - 23
(toledo/surrounding areas)
I'm Your One Way Ticket To The Rebellious Side!!! I Promise You Won't Buy a Ticket Back!! - 45
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
Nessa and becca r back might as well forget the rest everyone knows were the best DONT MISS OUT!!! - 25
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
SANTA BABY, Won't you come and see this LADY? And SANTA BABY won't you HURRY DOWN my CHIMNEY 2night! - 50
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
******* NEW ****** U P S C A L E ****** T A L E N T E D ****** D O L L ****** AVAILABLE ****** N O W - 22
(Toledo, Toledo, Oh and Surrounding Areas)
Fri 10 Jan
I'm an uptown, get-around, anything-goes girl, hardcore, candy-store, gimme-some-more girl! - 26
(Toledo, Toledo/Surrounding areas)
This kissable fool will take U 2 the outer limits and then back 2 SATISFACTION! **Kiss_a_ble_4_U** - 45
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding Areas)
*Swimwear Model* Stunning Blonde Blue w/ Bangin' Body EXTENDED Stay In Area+Ready4U! (28) - 28
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding (419) 690-6190)
))))) SpEciaLs FoR YoU~ StEaMiNg HoT LiLy (((( Ask About My 2GirL Special - 32
:.•★ ▀▄▀▄▀★•:.• SEXY BLONDE •:.•★ ▀▄▀▄▀★•:.• TREAT YOURSELF•:.•★ ▀▄▀▄▀★•:. - 26
(Toledo, Toledo and all surrounding Areas)
PREttiest ,Classy,Kisser,and by FAR the best in the MIDwest! - 25
(Toledo, Toledo/surrounding areas)
Salt and peppa, here to delivery. New to this but true to this! - 25
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
(*(*(*)HaY GeNtlemen KeNnEdY StILl HeRe DoNt MiSs OuT(*(*(*(*(*) - 26
(Toledo, Toledo & sourrounding areas outcalls)
&80 special~»~» ♥ 2 SEXY VIXENS WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU» ²4¹ DEALS ♥ «~«~«°•°• E - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
$80 Specials♥ ♥ Beautiful Blonde Vixen Waiting to Play With you ♥ ♥ - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
2-day i$ your lucky day! Beautiful Brunette i$ having a $75$pecial.... - 32
(Toledo, Toledo and Michigan areas)
$60 special LOW Donations Beautiful Blonde Bunny~ Professional & Discrete ♥ ♥ - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
HeY FeLlAs Im hErE tO OfFeR YoU A WoNdErFUl eXpErIeNcE dOnT MiSs oUt - 27
(Toledo, ToLeDo aNd sUrRoUnDiNg aReAs)
***GOOD GOD! you've never experienced anything quite like Heaven**** :) - 23
(Toledo, toledo, & nearby areas, in and out calls)
HeY FeLLas Sexy and Ready ladies at your service*** New in Town*** Dont Miss Out - 25
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
****** TOTAL • TREATMENT • by • a • SENSATIONAL • BEAUTY • with • a • SMOKING • BOOTY• ***** - 25
(Toledo, Toledo, Toledo & surroundjing areas)
Your small, sweet & sexy girl Lilly is back;) 1 and 2 girl specials all day long strtn@150 hr - 24
(Toledo, Toledo, Detroit, surrounding areas)
$60 special ♥ ♥ ThE MoSt BeAuTiFuL BaByDoLL In Toldeo Dont Misd Out &hearst; - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
When you leave my sexy side I promise you'll be satisfied!!!* Specials Today * 419-496-7946* - 24
(Toledo, TOLEDO*/*(IN ALL AREAS)*/*)
*â¢Â°*â¢Â° LooK NO FUrTHER//Im WHaT YoU NEeD..EVerY MAnS DReAM *â¢Â°*â¢Â° - 24
Hi come catch my Special @ Candy* 50 *Incall *SPECIAL 24/7 Trucker Friendly - 27
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
••••• * Make me YOUR Monday SPECIAL*!!! ••••• SURE to SATISFY!!! •••• - 24
(Toledo, Toledo, Toledo & surroundjing areas)
GOOD GOD! you've never seen anything quite like Heaven start your weekend with me :) - 23
(Toledo, toledo, & nearby areas, in and out calls)
Knock Knock? "Who is there?","BOO", "Boo Who?", "STOP Your CRYING, I added new PICS" -VIDEO inside - 45
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
"Im here this weekend only with specials you dont wanna miss" - 24
(Toledo, Toledo, Detroit, surrounding areas)
lovely longg hairr lil mija ready to have a good time ;) - 22
(Toledo, toledo, and surrounding areas)
_Exotic RUSSIAN Beauty that u will not forget!!! READY AND WAITING!!! - - 24
(Toledo, Toledo, Michigan, and Surrounding areas)
Hot & Sexy Amelia 24/7 kisses, specialssssssss5678680885 - 30
(Toledo, Toledo & surrounding areas, travel)
💕✨ Enticing Exotic Mixed 💋 Upscale Bombshell 💫with Amazing Curves 💕💕✨ DON'T miss this one! - 18 - 18
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
GOOD GOD! you've never seen anything quite like Heaven i do in & outcalls. - 23
(Toledo, toledo, and surrounding areas)