Fri 10 Jan
Lilly is here to make your Sunday an unforgettable day.Running 155 special in & out calls all day - 24
(Toledo, Toledo, Detroit, surrounding areas)
NeW.*¨¨*.¸ _ Sexy _ ¸.*¨¨*.¸ TwO _ ¸.*¨¨*.¸ GirL ShOwS RunNinG ALl NiGht SpeCials - 24
(Toledo, Outcall surrounding areas)
*•♛•* *:•.♥Ladies here from cali,in town 4 a few days *•♛•* *:•.♥ - 21
(Toledo, Surrounding areas;))
New Pics!!!! Your little secret is back💋 Come have fun with this sexy midget.🍑💦🍆🔥😘💕 - 22
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
★lOoKiNg FoR aN AfFeCtIoNaTe TiMe CaLl ToRi (419)917-7502 ★ - 35
****No DrAmA sTiLl HeRe OnLy OnE mOrE dAy**** - 25
(Toledo, toledo & sourrounding areas in & outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
*___ New PiCs! *___ LiLy One oF A Kind! ♥ Oh YeAH whaT Are yOU waiTiNG FoR! ___* CaLL NoW __* - 25
(Toledo, Toledo & Surrounding Areas In/out)
ERiCA_ _ _ _ iS BAcK !!!_ _ _ NeW PiCS !!! - - - >>> CoLLeGE CUTiE CuRVyLiCioUS - 25
***HeY FeLlAs YeA YoU***R u Tired oF ThE ReSt cOnTaCt tHe bEsT Im wAiTiNg. - 27
(Toledo, ToLeDo aNd sUrRoUnDiNg ArEaS)
*Blonde Playmate Looking For Playtime!! 24/7 In or Out Call Available. - 34
(Toledo, Toledo&Surrounding; areas... In-Out call.)
Hot Stunning Beautiful 100% real pics. Toledo and surrounding areas - 21
(Toledo, Toledo/Detroit/surrounding areas)
Renee, the sexy midget is ready to givd you an amazing experience of a lifetime!!!🍑💦🍆🔥😘💕 - 22
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
☆♡☆Petite and Playful, Wanna talk to an ANGEL?OuTCalL SPECIALS! ☆♡☆ - 33
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
(SPECIALS!!!) Renee, the thick, classy, sexy midget is a must-see. (Doing INCALLS also)🍑💦🍆🔥😘💕 - 22
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
Newbie Chelsea only in town for one more night !!! In/out - 32
(Toledo, Toledo and surronding areas)
Passion struck 💋 in toledo ♡♡♡, 4197401567 GIRLYGIRL HERE💋💋👇👇 @ameliasexy3 or ameliasexylove11 - 33
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas, as#1039731)
hello guys looking for something jus right? dont cheat yourself treat yourself! ;) - 22
(Toledo, maumee,toledo surrounding areas)
2 for 1 Special! Any lonely men out their need alil company?! - 24
(Toledo, Toledo & surrounding areas)
•:*:• *STUNNING •:*:• *BEAUTIFUL •:*:• *SO SEXY •:*:• CHECK ME OUT •:*:• No Disappointments •:*:• * - 27
(Toledo, Toledo & all Surrounding areas)
** Just ** What ** You ** Have ** Been ** Waiting ** For - 26
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas (30miles))
Want a different experience? Renee, the sweet classy midget is here to fulfill your fantasy.💋💕😘💋 - 22
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
WIFE4U2HIRE !! IF you feel a little lonely and want some old fashion personal attention PICK ME! - 99
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
Let's play HIDE the SAUSAGE? I'll leave YOU breathless AN YOU will be compelled TO INDULGE. - 99
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding Areas)
* Home * Town * Hottie * The~ Cure ~ To ~ Your ~ BLONDE ~ Addiction - 23
(toledo and surrounding areas)
♡looking for a unforgettable time with a sexy women~~available 24/7 Specials ♡ - 25
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
(*)KeNnEdY oNlY HeRe CoMe HaVe FuN WiTh Me(*) - 26
(Toledo, Toledo & sourrounding areas in & outcall)
HeY FeLlAs Im hErE tO OfFeR YoU A WoNdErFUl eXpErIeNcE dOnT MiSs oUt - 27
(Toledo, ToLeDo aNd sUrRoUnDiNg aReAs)
Kat is ready to play. Come pet her kitty! MEOW (: 419-936-4680 (same girl diff ad below) - 25
(Toledo, Incalls/outcalls to Toledo area)
Get your week started the right way @Candy 50*Incall **Special**Trucker Friendly - 27
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
FRIDAY ONLY, My TGIF Gift 2 u! No charge 4 1/2 hr only.HA! HA! APRIL FOOL!! DON'T CRY - 99
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding Areas)
ERiCA_ _ _ _ NeW PiCS !!! - - - >>> CoLLeGE CUTiE CuRVyLiCioUS - 25
***HaY FeLlAs JaZmINe HeRe OnLy FoR A cOuPlE dAyS***** - 25
(Toledo, Toledo & sourrounding areas in & outcall)
ONE Girl or TWO.... What Would YOU LIKE TO DO???? - 23
(Toledo, Perrysburg and Surrounding UPSCALE Areas)
~~~Mixed Blonde - CARMEN ~~~LeT Me Be Your Freak~~~ Splashing Here!!!!!!! - 21
(Toledo, Toledo & all Surrounding areas)
* ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ •♥• ★SEXY BLONDE★•♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ▒ * ❤.•*•* - 26
(Toledo, Toledo and all surrounding Areas)
Wed 08 Jan
The BEST part of hooking up with a MILF? Leaving in the morning with a juice box and a fruit roll up - 45
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
*Sweet lucious petite Crysta is here to revive your passion!* IN & OUT CALLS available. - 23
(Toledo, toledo, and surrounding areas)
*Sexi Stacy* Weekend Special :) Are you ready for me Daddy? Call (937)694-1887. * 24/7 * - 24
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas =]. In & Ou)
(SPECIALS!!) Renee, the sexy midget is waiting for you. Cross this off your bucket list!🍑💦🍆🔥😘💕 - 22
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
****** PASIONATE • FUN • BEUTY • with • super • smoking • BOOTY•!!!!! ***** - 25
(Toledo, Toledo, Toledo & surroundjing areas)
~~~ Pretty Pleasure Princess ~~~ 419 Nine Zero Eight 1908 - 25
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
***HeY FeLlAs***YeA YoU,iM HeRe To oFfEr yOu a wOnDeRfUl eXpErIeNcE,dOnT MiSs oUt!!! - 27
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
3:::::: BaD G!RLS ::::: DO !T BETTER :::: * TOP QuALiTy *PROVIDER* Specials ★ - 21
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
$70 Specials♥ ♥ Beautiful Blonde Vixen Waiting to Play With you ♥ ♥ - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
♥ ♥$80 Special Beautiful Sexy Vixens Waiting to Play With you ♥ ♥ - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
$70 specials ♥ ♥ Beautiful Blonde Vixen Waiting to Play With you ♥ ♥ - 25
(Toledo, toledo & surrounding areas ♥)
Beautyfull puertorican beauty new in area come see me boyz - 25
(Toledo, Toledo,Southern mi, maumee,surrnd areas)